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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    15aewar wrote: »
    [What resources do you use when you get stuck plotting or writing? Some leave it for a day or two (or more). Others talk it over with a friend or family member. Do you have a special website or book you use to help inspire or gives ideas? Or an exercise? Or even some other kind of trick or tip that gets you on the right path again?

    I want to ask a very similar question: What do you guys do when you feel discouraged about your writing? What do you do when you realize an idea you had won't work out?

    @15aewar I find going into the game to play really helps. I just play for fun and see what happens. Sometimes it shocks me because it's in line with my original plans, like the Sims working in tandem with me and that always warms my heart. Plus it generally opens up new possibilities or ways of looking at things when I'm stuck. I try to go with the flow, but sometimes I return to the drawing board and work out the kinks, and sometimes I let the game speak to me. I might reread writing I felt was particularly good or a piece of writing which received a lot of compliments to encourage myself. Or I take a break. Sometimes overnight, or several days, or a week if it helps. Usually this helps me gain perspective. Hope that helps. :)

    its hard for me to picture you as stuck.because you release multiple chapters at once. :)

    Haha, true, @friendsfan367. I usually write far enough in advance that I can do that, but when I get close to the end of a section, I start to worry a bit, but I've learned to naturally go with the flow and allow for the breaks because I need them for my creativity and other activities in life. :)

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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »

    If you write more than one story or have written more than one story, which is/has been your favourite to write?

    @Bugsie2016 I have so many favorite moments, and I really love all of my Kass stories (probably the second half of Interludes & Solitude: Desierto Rojo), but lately, I've been pretty proud of La Vita Bella because I feel like the quality of my writing jumped up pretty high during this series. I also enjoyed the last two sections of Colt Family Traitacy and middle-end of From Riverview, With Love. So it's hard to pick an absolute favorite.

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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    edited October 2017
    15aewar wrote: »
    [What resources do you use when you get stuck plotting or writing? Some leave it for a day or two (or more). Others talk it over with a friend or family member. Do you have a special website or book you use to help inspire or gives ideas? Or an exercise? Or even some other kind of trick or tip that gets you on the right path again?

    I want to ask a very similar question: What do you guys do when you feel discouraged about your writing? What do you do when you realize an idea you had won't work out?

    I like the idea of putting what doesn't work into a save file somewhere (google docs or something). I don't like throwing anything out because it's possible I can use it in something else later. I learned that awhile ago from my sister. I've already used one thing I saved for another story. So, that alone can be inspirational.

    As for discouragement, well I'm not really the one to talk to. lol I wish I could be part of a writing group (that doesn't think simlit is silly) so I can be encouraged and encourage others. I don't know that much but what little I do know could help someone else. And vice versa. I do realize many people want to go on and write books, but not me at this stage in life. I just want to have fun and share my sim stories. Sometimes remembering that is encouragement enough to continue on and not put so much pressure on myself.

    I do this too, @lovesstorms torms. I hang onto writing even if it's not the greatest because I may salvage it later or have a stroke of brilliance and realize I can rework it into a story. I think our groups here online are good for encouragement, especially in my reading circle. I don't really have an off-line friends I discuss my stories with, other than occasionally bringing stuff up with my spouse for writing purposes, not so much discussing the Sims since it's not really his thing. But I'm okay with just having my online group for now. I've been trying to write a book forever, but I'm happy and content right now with just releasing SimLit. So I wouldn't be too discouraged, @lovesstorms storms. I hope we can encourage you here. :) And I really like your stories (even if I haven't been able to read as of late).

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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    A couple questions for everyone.

    What to you represents a story having good pacing in your opinion? Is it a matter of the story just always having something going on? Constant major plot points reveals? Or some other thing that to you keeps a stories pace good rather than feeling like it's dragging or going to fast.

    Also what are your thoughts on time progression in a story? Do you think it's important to keep it consistent and to have the reader be always aware of how much time is passing or do you think it's fine to have it be more general where things are happening in a progressive order but it's not necessarily made clear precisely how much time may or may not be passing? Is it okay to alternate between the two?

    As a reader and as a writer, I actually like fast-paced. I like when the writer keeps me wanting more, and I like plot twists. I make use of cliffhangers, though not as often as I'd like. This is just the type of story I enjoy, but I would say that I like a breather chapter every once in awhile. I think good action needs good character development to balance itself.

    @AuroraLockwood I do read slower-paced, less actionesque stories, if that makes sense, and the thing that keeps the pace well, for me, is strong character development and family dynamics (or friends in lieu of family). I don't mind the slice-of-life tale with plenty of heartwarming fuzzy moments. <3 These keep me focused on what matters most in my opinion - the people who make the story a possibility (other than the writer, of course).

    Conflict is a good way to develop a character and show a character's true colors, if you will. Sometimes, I feel like I overuse conflict and I wonder if my readers get annoyed with the not-so-pleasant characters in my stories when they show their authentic sides and major flaws. Haha.

    I do believe conflict can help set the pace when drawn out in several different ways (meta-arc - overarching conflict that drives the story, and smaller easonal/series/generational arcs that power a plot for a time, and small arcs that maybe span a few chapters,. I think the best stories give the reader a breather before a major climax.

    In terms of time progression, I only give dates during KFLL, but everywhere else I leave time up to the imagination. I think it's totally okay to switch back and forth and if it feels natural to do so, do it. In some cases, I think the "time" factor hurts the plot if you're too rigid or you need to suspend disbelief, so I wouldn't worry about it in that case. But other times, it might be nice to show how time has progressed. Do what works best for your style and plot. :)
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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    So much good discussion here so I'm probably spamming the thread with all my replies. Haha. Hope you all don't mind. :/
    Acarb90 wrote: »

    What do you guys use to edit screenshots? I see so many screenshots on tumblr and they look so beautiful and I immediately look at my own screenshots and get super jealous :(

    @Acarb90 I use LunaPic when I do edit and I don't actually edit all that often, except for cover photos or to make something that is otherwise impossible out of a screenshot. For example, in La Vita Bella...
    LunaPic is a free website and you can edit without logging in. I just have to remember to right click, save, and download the image when I'm done. I'm sure there's way better software and programs out there, and there are people who are way more experienced with graphics editing. I am either too lazy or simply don't care, but LunaPic works for me. :D
    Karilan wrote: »

    Further question for everyone on time progression:

    When writing a legacy, do you acknowledge time passing and make logical adjustments to technology or ignore time entirely?
    @Karilan Nope. I just ignore it. I might mention something in passing, but generally it's more of a "retro" reference than a serious "here's how times have changed." Honestly, I haven't written far enough past the first generations in most of my stories, and most of my stories are episodic rather than generational, like I tell new stories with the same characters and time progresses very very slowly. Mostly because I have trouble letting go, but also because I'm writing a lengthy story series.
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »

    Another question i'm curious about:
    Do you read your story?

    For proofreading purposes, yes. Sometimes I will after publishing if I feel like I want to try reading something with fresh eyes. Sometimes like @Karilan mentioned, I will read if it's been a long time since I've written. Recently, I skimmed through several of my stories to prepare for an upcoming crossover story. I also haven't written my main story line, Kassiopeia Fullbright Story Series, and so I've been rereading to prepare for release of new chapters, mostly so I can make sure I don't miss key plot points, or forget something critical. It's kinda fun to reread my stuff when there's a lot of comments too to see what the readers engaged and connected with, in order to better myself as a writer also.
    15aewar wrote: »
    I have a question for you guys: What is your opinion on shorter chapters?
    @15aewar Shorter chapters? Not my style. Literally. Haha. I think my shortest chapter is still in the ballpark of 750 words. I don't know how to write short. No, that's not true, but I just like writing longer chapters. However, shorter chapters as a reader are appreciated when I'm trying to catch up on stories. And I'm seriously behind right now with everyone's stories due to my heavy workload.

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    ForgottenPixelsForgottenPixels Posts: 11,376 Member
    So, I need a tiny bit of help. I'm currently writing a chapter where it's written from the POV looking back for a character. There's 7 other people in the scene and i'm not too sure how to make it obvious who's speaking (the 2 adults are easy as it's usually a two way conversation) when it's a conversation between more than 3 people. I'm looking over the chapter and it's not working so far.
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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    edited October 2017
    Always plan out at least the main points, end and beginning, and leave room for changes along the way but don't try to change it because the readers think it could or should go a different way. Peer pressure, I guess. ;) I even thought I'd resolved the situation before they read it. I thought I'd never have to deal with it again. lol Wrong! Ha! I guess I just didn't want to let anyone down.

    Great advice, @lovesstorms. I agree with you on the peer pressure thing. I think sometimes I feel tempted, but I never give in for the sake of the readers. It's the characters and the game that takes me places and I want to stay true to their voices and what happens in game as much as possible. I don't want to annoy or let anyone down either, but I've learned that it's my story and I'm going to own this... and therefore, things will happen that readers won't like, but I'll power through it, hope I don't lose any, and if I do, I'll just accept it and move on because I try not to have too many regrets about my writing. Everything's a learning experience.
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »
    So, another discussion question/s if anyone wants another:
    What is your least favourite section of your story?

    *Cringe* my early KCLKF chapters, and probably the lack of planning (not so much the chapters themselves) for KFLL. Writing all sorts of other stories have helped me to hone my craft and skills so when I return to KFLL, I hope to be more consistent, and provide better quality.
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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »
    So, I need a tiny bit of help. I'm currently writing a chapter where it's written from the POV looking back for a character. There's 7 other people in the scene and i'm not too sure how to make it obvious who's speaking (the 2 adults are easy as it's usually a two way conversation) when it's a conversation between more than 3 people. I'm looking over the chapter and it's not working so far.

    @Bugsie2016 You could always add people's names like...
    "What just happened?" Gary asked as he stumbled down the stairs into the darkened living room.
    "I think the power's out,"Amanda replied as she wandered in from the kitchen.

    Or use descriptors for the individuals.
    "Daddy, what's happening? Why is it so dark?" the youngest Baker cried out.
    "Power's out, little one," his dad said, picking up the child and snuggling him close. "Don't worry. We'll figure this out. I'll go check the breakers."
    "Wait!" his wife grabbed his arm. "Take the flashlight."

    If all else fails, I ask myself who is truly necessary in a scene and what their purpose is and how they contribute to the plot and conversation. If they aren't needed, then I might rework the scene. Hope this helps.
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    ForgottenPixelsForgottenPixels Posts: 11,376 Member
    @AdamsEve1231 Thanks, I think i'll come back to that section later when i'm fully awake. :)
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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    In regards to pacing, I found this helpful article - I'll plop it down here if anyone is interested.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Acarb90 wrote: »
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »
    Another question i'm curious about:
    Do you read your story?

    @Bugsie2016 Absolutely. I read my own chapters before posting just like a reader would. I find a lot of the time that it gives me a better sense for how the chapter flows since otherwise my experience of it is slightly altered by the fact that I spend a lot longer writing and rewriting than any reader will spend reading.

    I always proofread my chapters, but I can't put my reader hat on when I do this. I mean, yeah, I read it for a final time without trying to edit, but I'm still silently editing lol. I read mine aloud to make sure they flow right. That helps immensely because I find oftentimes something will sound good in my head but terrible spoken. People usually don't read our stuff aloud, but if I trip over something speaking it, chances are people will trip over it while reading.

    I thought I was the only one who read my story out loud xD. It really does help! Especially because in my story I writer the dialogue like a screenplay so I need to make sure it sounds natural.

    I have a questions:

    What do you guys use to edit screenshots? I see so many screenshots on tumblr and they look so beautiful and I immediately look at my own screenshots and get super jealous :(

    HA! That's totally me. Sometimes my characters sound too proper. I catch it when I read it out loud.

    I use Photoshop. That jealousy started me down the editing rabbit hole long ago LOL. I knew almost nothing about that program when I started. Now I use simlit as an excuse to learn new things, so I experiment and learn new tricks while I'm at it. Now I have a style! :o

    I know nothing about jealousy.

    I've got some ocean front property in Colorado to sell ya.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    Jared wants to wish Kolby well and gets everyone together for a nice dinner. Enjoy!

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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »
    So, I need a tiny bit of help. I'm currently writing a chapter where it's written from the POV looking back for a character. There's 7 other people in the scene and i'm not too sure how to make it obvious who's speaking (the 2 adults are easy as it's usually a two way conversation) when it's a conversation between more than 3 people. I'm looking over the chapter and it's not working so far.

    I like scenes like this because there's so much potential to create a striking scene with lots of action. I think it's boring to keep saying Bugsie said, Jess said, friends said, after every line. Lately I've been trying something different that I like a lot. I try to use dialogue tags as little as possible, so I find other ways to let you know who's talking. Some characters have very distinct ways of speaking (Harold) and you always know when he talks. But Axel talks like him, so that doesn't help when they're in the same scene. I like to put little bits of action in between the dialogue that kind of gives you a heads up as to who is speaking. I'm not that good at it yet, but I think it works. Check out this silly little scene. It's short and doesn't have as many characters as you have, but hopefully it gets the point across.

    Joseph invited his friend over for dinner. He was nervous about trying out Bob's recipe on them, but they were his friends. They wouldn't tease him too badly, right?
    "Hey guys! Thanks for coming." (no one else has been introduced yet, so it's clear this is Joseph speaking)
    Jess, Bugsie, and Friendsfan spilled into the apartment and looked around.
    "Oh haven't been here since I had boxes everywhere."
    Jess snorted. "It's a bit small. Are you sure you can host the party?"
    "Yeah," Friendsfan agreed. "I get claustrophobic."
    Joseph's courage was quickly slipping away, and he felt a bit discouraged. "What about you, Bugsie? Do you have a problem with my apartment too?"
    "I think it's lovely! Is the food ready?" (Joseph addressed her, so we expected her to answer)
    The courage Joseph felt slipping away slowly came back. At least one of his friends was on his side. "Right this way."
    He lead them about five steps away to the dining area. Once they were seated, he disappeared into the kitchen.
    Jess stuck her nose in the air and inhaled the sweet and savory goodness a few feet away. "Whatever it is sure smells good."
    Joseph smirked. Jess was always so snarky, but he knew she meant no harm. "I hope you guys don't mind breakfast for dinner."
    Her jaw dropped and eyes widened. "Breakfast is best when served at night!"
    "And you know what goes best with breakfast?" Friendsfan asked.
    Everyone looked at her.
    "Ice cream!"

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    Acarb90 wrote: »
    This is the website that made me start rethinking my screenshots:

    They have really great poses btw :p

    Since my story is set in fall right now, I was amazed at the pictures on this tumblr. I wish my sims looked like that with the scarves and stuff :'(:'(:'(

    Elena takes such great pictures! She uses reshade as well, the program really is great and you can find a lot of presets if you don't want to make your own. She also uses Photoshop and Topaz cleaner (which I know nothing about) to achieve such lovely screenshots.
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »
    So, I need a tiny bit of help. I'm currently writing a chapter where it's written from the POV looking back for a character. There's 7 other people in the scene and i'm not too sure how to make it obvious who's speaking (the 2 adults are easy as it's usually a two way conversation) when it's a conversation between more than 3 people. I'm looking over the chapter and it's not working so far.

    I like scenes like this because there's so much potential to create a striking scene with lots of action. I think it's boring to keep saying Bugsie said, Jess said, friends said, after every line. Lately I've been trying something different that I like a lot. I try to use dialogue tags as little as possible, so I find other ways to let you know who's talking. Some characters have very distinct ways of speaking (Harold) and you always know when he talks. But Axel talks like him, so that doesn't help when they're in the same scene. I like to put little bits of action in between the dialogue that kind of gives you a heads up as to who is speaking. I'm not that good at it yet, but I think it works. Check out this silly little scene. It's short and doesn't have as many characters as you have, but hopefully it gets the point across.

    Joseph invited his friend over for dinner. He was nervous about trying out Bob's recipe on them, but they were his friends. They wouldn't tease him too badly, right?
    "Hey guys! Thanks for coming." (no one else has been introduced yet, so it's clear this is Joseph speaking)
    Jess, Bugsie, and Friendsfan spilled into the apartment and looked around.
    "Oh haven't been here since I had boxes everywhere."
    Jess snorted. "It's a bit small. Are you sure you can host the party?"
    "Yeah," Friendsfan agreed. "I get claustrophobic."
    Joseph's courage was quickly slipping away, and he felt a bit discouraged. "What about you, Bugsie? Do you have a problem with my apartment too?"
    "I think it's lovely! Is the food ready?" (Joseph addressed her, so we expected her to answer)
    The courage Joseph felt slipping away slowly came back. At least one of his friends was on his side. "Right this way."
    He lead them about five steps away to the dining area. Once they were seated, he disappeared into the kitchen.
    Jess stuck her nose in the air and inhaled the sweet and savory goodness a few feet away. "Whatever it is sure smells good."
    Joseph smirked. Jess was always so snarky, but he knew she meant no harm. "I hope you guys don't mind breakfast for dinner."
    Her jaw dropped and eyes widened. "Breakfast is best when served at night!"
    "And you know what goes best with breakfast?" Friendsfan asked.
    Everyone looked at her.
    "Ice cream!"

    And lovesstorms who was hiding in the closet yelled out, "But don't put it in the microwave!"
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Acarb90 wrote: »
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Bugsie2016 wrote: »
    Another question i'm curious about:
    Do you read your story?

    @Bugsie2016 Absolutely. I read my own chapters before posting just like a reader would. I find a lot of the time that it gives me a better sense for how the chapter flows since otherwise my experience of it is slightly altered by the fact that I spend a lot longer writing and rewriting than any reader will spend reading.

    I always proofread my chapters, but I can't put my reader hat on when I do this. I mean, yeah, I read it for a final time without trying to edit, but I'm still silently editing lol. I read mine aloud to make sure they flow right. That helps immensely because I find oftentimes something will sound good in my head but terrible spoken. People usually don't read our stuff aloud, but if I trip over something speaking it, chances are people will trip over it while reading.

    I thought I was the only one who read my story out loud xD. It really does help! Especially because in my story I writer the dialogue like a screenplay so I need to make sure it sounds natural.

    I have a questions:

    What do you guys use to edit screenshots? I see so many screenshots on tumblr and they look so beautiful and I immediately look at my own screenshots and get super jealous :(

    HA! That's totally me. Sometimes my characters sound too proper. I catch it when I read it out loud.

    I use Photoshop. That jealousy started me down the editing rabbit hole long ago LOL. I knew almost nothing about that program when I started. Now I use simlit as an excuse to learn new things, so I experiment and learn new tricks while I'm at it. Now I have a style! :o

    I know nothing about jealousy.

    I've got some ocean front property in Colorado to sell ya.

    Um, liar. :D
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Hey guys! Happy wednesday! :)

    A2A time :blush:

    6.32: Maybe
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    Pegasus143Pegasus143 Posts: 2,490 Member
    Wow, lots of questions! I guess I'll post some responses...
    @Bugsie2016 My favorite story out of all of mine is After the Wedding, which is the one I've been focusing on since last spring. Least favorite chapters... probably something from season 1. My plot was really... kind of odd? My screenshotting skills weren't too good either. I do go back and reread chapters if I need to find some detail I need for a chapter in working on or I've just gotten a new reader and they're commenting on past chapters.
    @15aewar A chapter I'm publishing this week is pretty short (Simstagram captions and the thoughts of the character who's looking at the posts), but it's really important for establishing the internal conflict in that character over some drama that's been going on. Compared to other people's, my chapters are shorter anyways-- I think they average about 300 words and 5 screenshots? But then again, I write a little bit differently-- my chapters could be compared more to "scenes" than "chapters".
    @AuroraLockwood I think the right pacing really depends on the story-- of you want it to feel like a soap opera, then plot twists every chapter! For me, I just try to make sure that every chapter has a purpose, whether that's inciting, furthering, or resolving a conflict. For time progression, I don't usually say how much time has passed, unless there's been a 9 month time passage between one chapter and the next or within the same chapter. Otherwise, I let the reader assume that not everything's happening at the same time and that all events are shown in chronological order. I also change characters' appearances to represent changes and time passage in their lives, even if they're still in the same life stage.
    @Acarb90 I don't always edit my pictures, and when I do, what program I use depends on what I'm doing. Everything I mention here is completely free, btw.
    If I'm adding a color effect for a flashback or dream sequence, I use Pixlr Express.
    If I'm trying to make it look like a character as illustrated a scene in one of my screenshots, I use Pixlr Editor and my own modification of a tutorial I found.
    If I'm taking an image and putting it on a computer or tv, or putting a video camera overlay on an image, I use GIMP (this is the only program you'd need to download-- the others are just through a website).
    @Karilan I don't write legacies, but something that could also change over time are social attitudes (ie what's acceptable/unacceptable).
    @CathyTea if I'm discouraged, I just go take a break-- chapters don't need to be written immediately.
    I hope I didn't miss anyone!
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I hope you didn't put the ice cream in the microwave. lol

    I think she did as she avoided responding to that. She turned it back on @Jes2G . :grimace:

    i didn't . i was picking on lovestorms because i said i had 2 ice creams . but when i came back i posted i had2 ice creams but my last comment to jes scared her away.

    then love storms posted back i hope you didn't put the ice cream in the microwave.

    she skipped responding about jes.

    wheres my joseph update? see now i turned it on you.

    You just want to see more Joseph tooshy! :grimace:
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I hope you didn't put the ice cream in the microwave. lol

    I think she did as she avoided responding to that. She turned it back on @Jes2G . :grimace:

    i didn't . i was picking on lovestorms because i said i had 2 ice creams . but when i came back i posted i had2 ice creams but my last comment to jes scared her away.

    then love storms posted back i hope you didn't put the ice cream in the microwave.

    she skipped responding about jes.

    wheres my joseph update? see now i turned it on you.

    You'd better watch her @LegacySims2017. She's a tricky one. :D

    legacy still has time. its 2 hours before midnight here. i just like reading joseph after tomorrow maybe i can write again. its been 6 days i got busy.

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    15aewar15aewar Posts: 1,051 Member
    What's the longest chapter you've written?

    The longest I've written was nearly 1200 words.
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    edited October 2017
    15aewar wrote: »
    What's the longest chapter you've written?

    The longest I've written was nearly 1200 words.

    4,912 - but it was the end of a generation and I wanted to get all the final stuff in. Now, I know better to cut it up. lol This was a few years ago.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    15aewar wrote: »
    What's the longest chapter you've written?

    The longest I've written was nearly 1200 words.

    I think 1200 is my average. My longest chapter was a few weeks ago, and it was a little more than 3700 words.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    edited October 2017
    15aewar wrote: »
    What's the longest chapter you've written?

    4,500 words. It was an early mess of mine and I regret it. :tongue:

    EDIT: my average nowadays is 1500 - 2000 but I used to not have as much brevity. I think the average Eight Cicadas chapter was 3,000 words plus a lot of pretty pictures to make it feel less wordy.
    Post edited by InfraGreen on
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    @15aewar My longest was just over 4,000 :) But that was very unusual for me. My average is somewhere between 1000 and 1500 :)

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